15-18 years
Welcome to our online learning page for 15-18 year olds! ! We have created several activities that you can complete at home. We have tried to make sure there is something for everyone - whether your interests are science or social justice, you should find an activity you enjoy! We also know that everyone likes learning and taking in information in different ways, so for each task the instructions can be found in plain text form, PowerPoint form, and video form.
Please let us know how you get on and what you think of the resources - we love hearing from you! Send us your work on our email address thelunaprojectuk@gmail.com - we may even ask to publish it on our website!
Springboard Project
This task is about using a resource that is already out there, either created by or about disabled/chronically ill people, to inspire your own piece of work! Have a look...
Estimated time: 50-60 minutes

You can listen to the podcast here: https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/2019/10/20/ep-62-black-disabled-women-in-media/
And you can access the transcript here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZS2_HOrDtb-yBhkoxOBlDPyj2hi5ekR4w4t47eIUOaw/edit

You can borrow this book from our lending library, your school library, local library, or buy it from your local bookstore. You can listen to the audiobook for free as part of your Audible free trial!
Independent LUNA Research Project
Estimated time: 40-50 minutes
This task is about researching, picking a disability or chronic illness that interests you, and finding out more - whatever road that may take you down on! Have a look...
Research Task Instructions
(Plain Text Version)
Advocacy and Allyship
This task is about understanding issues affecting the disabled community (such as disablism and the models of disability) and ways in which to be an effective ally. This task can be completed individually or in groups.
Estimated time: 40-50 minutes
Advocacy, Allyship and the Disabled Community PowerPoint (click to view)
Advocacy, Allyship and the Disabled Community Instructions
(Plain Text Version)